How far along? 11 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: -1 lb
Maternity clothes? None, probably not for a few more weeks
Stretch marks? None... so far
Sleep: Hard to get comfortable but once i fall asleep its heaven
Total weight gain/loss: -1 lb
Maternity clothes? None, probably not for a few more weeks
Stretch marks? None... so far
Sleep: Hard to get comfortable but once i fall asleep its heaven
Best moment this week: seeing that the baby actually looks like a baby on the ultrasound
Movement: Saw the baby moving like crazy on the ultrasound but the only feeling i have are my uterus stretching and growing
Food cravings: Taco Bell and Root Beer floats
Food cravings: Taco Bell and Root Beer floats
Gender: This week i think were having a little boy
Labor Signs: heck no
Belly Button in or out? In probably for a good while longer
What I miss: Pina Colada's
What I am looking forward to: seeing the baby again in 2 weeks and how much he/she has changed
Weekly Wisdom: If you feel the least bit hungry EAT! Not eating will make you feel worse! I have never felt hunger pains like this in my life!
Milestones: Realizing for the first time that this is all very real and feeling choked up seeing our baby move on the u/s
Labor Signs: heck no
Belly Button in or out? In probably for a good while longer
What I miss: Pina Colada's
What I am looking forward to: seeing the baby again in 2 weeks and how much he/she has changed
Weekly Wisdom: If you feel the least bit hungry EAT! Not eating will make you feel worse! I have never felt hunger pains like this in my life!
Milestones: Realizing for the first time that this is all very real and feeling choked up seeing our baby move on the u/s