Sunday, May 31, 2009

Half way there.... 20 weeks!!!

It's been awhile since i did one of these and i figured since Addison is 1/2 way done baking its time :)

How far along? 20 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +2 lb

Maternity clothes? Pants and some shirts

Stretch marks? None

Sleep: Ok for the most part. I get up alot at night to potty but sleep still comes easy :)

Best moment this week: Learning that she is indeed still a SHE

Movement: All the time but most at night. I can even see her kicking on the outside.

Food cravings: Nothing really just different things each day

Gender: GIRL!!

Labor Signs: heck no

Belly Button in or out? In , but getting more shallow by the week

What I miss: Margaritas!!

What I am looking forward to: Meeting my little princess and all of her other girl friends (almost all of our friends are having little girls between Aug and Oct, Were thinking Softball team!!)

Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy the 2nd tri you really do have more energy!!

Milestones: Matt and others feeling the baby kicking on the outside!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Nursery Update w/ last weeks belly picture :)

Hey guys! I know its been a while i have just been really busy! OH and my sister had surgery friday on her sinus's all went well and she is at home resting :)

Well here are the pictures. Hopefully you can see the paint color in the pictures. Its a very soft purple. I wanted a calming room and so far it is all coming together nicely.

And just for grins here is a belly shot i took last week (4 months pregnant)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Art Work

I decided to try and make my own art work for Addy's room. All of this cost me a whole $15 dollars. The canvases were ones that i bought at kohls with some trees on them that were clearance for $2. :)
The color is not that great in the pictures but they match the bedding almost perfectly!!

This is made out of scrapbook paper that i plan to frame in a white frame. I hope to find one that is kinda rough and vintage like. Well see what i find :)

Monday, May 4, 2009


Look at this cute outfit Matt picked out for Addy. He is going to be such a good dad to this little girl! She is going to have him wrapped so tight around her finger :)

4 months already!!

Wow the time really seems to feel like its flying. Im starting to show more and more everyday!

I have started to purchase a few outfits for Addy when i find them on sale or are just to darn cute to pass up! We also bought the bedding set below because i just love it too much! The crib and dresser are also already put together but we dont have a mattress yet so i cant put the bedding in it to see it all together just yet. Maybe in a month or so.

Im really trying to buy a few things when i can so all of the expenses dont hit us the last two months. :)

Well that is about it. I will try and take a belly picture in the next few weeks so you can see my growing belly! Some clothes make me look bigger than others though.

Shanda Renee & Addison Lynn