Well were at 22 weeks and all is going good! Two more weeks and we can rest easy knowing the doctors will do all they can to save our little girl in the event she decides she doesnt want to hang around and kick mommy all day in my belly! Of course i hope and pray she stays put for a while longer :)
Matt and I have got so much done on her room! I feel so accomplished to have so much more done. Few more things i need to do is get the name for the back of the crib, find a shelf i like and order the rocker. After that were pretty much done with everything we wanted to get done before she comes, but im sure things will come up that i forgot!!
How far along? 22 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +2 lb (havent been weighed since my last dr visit so this very well could be different now. My guess is ill be + another 2 lbs at the next visit.
Maternity clothes? all my pants, and just a few shirts
Stretch marks? None
Sleep: oh so great lately, except for the occasional leg cramp in the middle of the night!
Best moment this week: watching my belly do the wave as she rolls and kicks all around
Movement: All the time
Food cravings: Fruit, Fruit and more Fruit!!
Gender: GIRL!!
Labor Signs: hopefully not for atleast 16 weeks
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Margaritas!! ---->Still this and i will add Pina Coladas to the list :)
What I am looking forward to: Lauren's baby shower this weekend.. I love seeing all the cute girl things
Weekly Wisdom: Banana's help with potassium and leg cramps, Cherrios help with fiber and bathroom problems :) Now if i can just work out my blood sugar that keeps bottoming out. :(
Milestones: having my first hormonal breakdown at work :( Obviously not a good milestone but something that was bound to happen eventually...