Where has this past month gone. My mom pointed out that I
haven't posted in a while and she is right. We have just been super busy and I have had no pictures to post. So what good is a post with no pictures?! I only have one picture for this post but that is better than none!
So to catch you all up a bit here is whats going on in our world!
Addison started swimming lessons at the YMCA last week and so far were unsure about how its going. She seemed like she liked it till she realized that dad was not in the water then she just wanted to get out and run around with him. So this Saturday he either has to come in the water with us or
don't come at all. Hopefully this Saturday will go better :)
Here is a picture of my little swimmer girl!

We have also been looking for a new daycare for Addison. Megan found a job and starts Monday and for the summer our sweet friend
Cierra who will be a senior next year is going to watch the girls at my house all summer. Then after summer they will be going to daycare. Where of course is still up in the air. Going to go check out a place this afternoon with the girls and crossing my fingers we like it cause it is a good price and convenient for both mom and dad to pick and drop off.
Hmmm what else have we been up to? Oh yeah Addison is a flower girl in Matt's cousin Chris's wedding this fall and we took her with the bridesmaids to try on dresses. Of course she acted like a complete turd the whole time we were out but she did find a cute dress and I cant wait to see her in it in Oct :)
Well I think that is all I can think of for now. Hopefully I will have some more to post here soon!