How far along? 12 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +1 lb
Maternity clothes? None, probably not for a few more weeks
Stretch marks? None... so far
Sleep: Would be great if I didn't have to pee 5x a night :)
Best moment this week: Seeing our little wiggle worm via ultrasound again
Movement: Moving on the ultrasound but nothing I can feel yet
Food cravings: Taco Bell (Was the same with Addison)
Gender: I really do think this one is a boy but I was wrong last time so who knows
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Having energy
What I am looking forward to: Getting in to the 2nd tri and not being sick!
Weekly Wisdom: Its hard to take care of a toddler and be pregnant so let your husband do as much as he is willing to do around the house, and its okay to not pick up the house everyday!
Milestones: Last week of the 1st trimester!!
Here is our little love bug from yesterdays ultrasound :)
Not the greatest of pictures cause our baby would not lay still but this is the baby mid flip with its little face looking forward.