Anyways, used to do these when I was pregnant with Addison so figured I would do them again :) (Cant remember if I have done one for this pregnancy yet)
How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: -2 as of my visit to care now
Maternity clothes? mostly just pants
Stretch marks? None
Sleep: Good. Still really tired but I blame that more on being sick
Best moment this week: feeling our little one move more.
Movement: Not near as much as Addison moved but getting to be more and more everyday. Still nothing felt on the outside yet though.
Food cravings: Crunchy tacos from taco bell
Gender: Girl is what we were told but not 100% certain. Will know for sure at our u/s tomorrow :)
Labor Signs: no way
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: my immune system! Since having Addison it has gone down hill and now this pregnancy I seem to be even more susceptible to illness
What I am looking forward to: Feeling better and Addison's 2nd birthday in a few weeks :)
Weekly Wisdom: Being pregnant with a toddler is HARD!
Milestones: Almost half way done!