Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Heard the heartbeat... :)

YA!! We got to see the baby again today and finally hear the heartbeat! The heartrate was 159-162. So if you believe in the old wise tales it is a girl by the heartbeat but i am still unsure :)

OH and we are 100% in the clear with this pregnancy! I will be 13 weeks on Sunday and so far everything is perfect!

We should get to find out the gender for sure in 6-7 weeks near the end of May. :)

None of the pictures were as good as last u/s's but here you go.


Booty and Legs :)

-Shanda Renee


ktyree said...

Yeah... the heartbeat! Hmmm... maybe it is a girl!! I can't wait for ya'll to find out!

Typette said...

Wow -- awesome pics. It's so bizarre to me .. in a way. that there is actually something living in there. Chillin', entertaining itself.

Wow --
