Well i never thought i would get to the point where i just feel miserable but it is here. I think partly because i have been fighting a chest cold, the fact that she has dropped and the middle of the night contractions for 3 nights in a row...
With that being said i would have thought that at my dr appointment that i would have made more progress but honestly any progress is progress in my opinion. Last time i went to the dr i was almost 1 cm and 75% effaced (2 weeks ago) now i am 2 full cm and still 75% effaced. She said that she thinks i have another week left in me but well see. The way i feel today i dont see how i can make it 7 more days with out hurting someone :(
Ill keep you all posted... I also plan to get someone to blog my labor so stay tuned for that :)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Check out....
MY TICKER!!! woo hoo its at the very end, no where else to go!! Cant belive how close its getting!! :)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Lots of updates....
First off... Matt and I had maternity pictures taken the weekend before last at the Las Colinas Canal. Heather Bush with Chunky Monkey Photography did such a great job. Here are just a few of my favorites :)

Secondly... I had my 35 week appointment yesterday that went very well. They did the Group B Strep test which I will know the results of tomorrow, and they checked my cervix. I am currently 75% effaced and almost 1 cm dialated. The dr said that is really impressive since im a first time mom and things normally dont progress so fast. She also doesnt think I will make it to my due date, which is fine by me. So far the baby is perfectly healthy and if I were to go in to labor she said she would not stop it. So yeah for being so close!!
We are now on a weekly dr appt schedule every Wednesday usually around lunch time. I will continue to update as I know more. I will not be checked again till 38 weeks so I wont know if im making progress in that area but maybe I will learn other things :)
Thirdly... Matt and I went and looked at 2 daycares yesterday and it just upset me so bad. The daycares were crap. I didnt even want to be there longer than I had to, so I know I will not feel comfortable leaving Addison there. Our issue is that we live in Ft Worth and work in Arlington with a 30-45 min commute with no traffic. If there is traffic or for some reason I have to work late there is no way we can guarantee we will be back in Ft Worth by 6:30 to pick up Addy. So we have to try and find a daycare that is on our way to and from work. Leaving our options to be either up I30 or I20.
After my bad experience with the daycares I talked to my friend Lauren who works for a daycare and got her opinion. I would really love to take Addison to the daycare that she works for but it is a little out of the way and seemed to be high priced compared to the daycares that are in our area in Ft Worth, but after looking at a few you get what you pay for and were just going to have to cut back in other area's cause im not sacraficing her saftey to save a couple hundred a month. So needless to say if you cant tell im really concidering making the extra drive and cost to have her go to daycare with Lauren. Well see... Matt has never been there so im taking him by next week after the dr to check it out. Hopefully we can make it all work :)
Shanda :)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
35 weeks ~ 35 days to go
Well time is going by sooooo fast! We are 35 weeks today with only 35 days to go or less! I cant wait : ) Here is a sneak peak from our maternity pictures taken last Sunday (34 weeks) and a survey just to kill some time as I lay around on this rainy football Sunday!

How far along? 35 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +11 lb
Maternity clothes? Still the same ~ all my pants and a few shirts. I can for the most part still wear all my pre-pregnancy shirts as long as i wear a longer undershirt underneath
Stretch marks? none on the belly! 5 weeks to go maybe I can make it by with none for the whole pregnancy :)
Sleep: not too terrible. Im up about 3-5 times a night to potty and I feel akward when i have to roll over but once i fall asleep its all good
Best moment this week: Realizing she could be here in less than a month, and hearing Matt talk about how anxious he is for her to be here
Movement: Still all the time!!! :)
Food cravings: Peanut butter sandwiches and Fruit
Gender: GIRL!!
Labor Signs: Some false back pain labor but nothing serious
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: being able to sit at my desk with out my back hurting
What I am looking forward to: Making it to full term in 2 weeks :)
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy just laying around the house doing nothing for a whole weekend. Who knows when you will get another weekend like it again...
Milestones: hmmm.... nothing really this week

How far along? 35 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +11 lb
Maternity clothes? Still the same ~ all my pants and a few shirts. I can for the most part still wear all my pre-pregnancy shirts as long as i wear a longer undershirt underneath
Stretch marks? none on the belly! 5 weeks to go maybe I can make it by with none for the whole pregnancy :)
Sleep: not too terrible. Im up about 3-5 times a night to potty and I feel akward when i have to roll over but once i fall asleep its all good
Best moment this week: Realizing she could be here in less than a month, and hearing Matt talk about how anxious he is for her to be here
Movement: Still all the time!!! :)
Food cravings: Peanut butter sandwiches and Fruit
Gender: GIRL!!
Labor Signs: Some false back pain labor but nothing serious
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: being able to sit at my desk with out my back hurting
What I am looking forward to: Making it to full term in 2 weeks :)
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy just laying around the house doing nothing for a whole weekend. Who knows when you will get another weekend like it again...
Milestones: hmmm.... nothing really this week
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Baby Shower :)

Yesterday was my baby shower thrown by my two sisters, Megan and Kaylyn. It was so perfect and i cant believe how many wonderful things Addison got.
After the shower my Mom and Megan came over and we got to play with everything and do laundry!!! Ohhh the laundry!!! This little girl is going to be by far the best dressed girl i have ever known.
After the shower i dont think we have much left to buy for the baby just a few odd and ends and now we play the waiting game :)
Maternity pictures today cant wait! :)
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