Maternity leave is going great. Addy truly is a great baby, the only issue we have ran into the past two nights is she wants to be held when she should be sleeping which makes it very hard for me to sleep. I get her changed/feed and to sleep and as soon as i lay her in her crib and get in bed and start to fall asleep she wakes up. I try and let her cry it out for a while to see if she will put her self back to sleep but that doesn't work. As soon as i go pick her up she is fine and falls right back to sleep. Its so sweet that she wants me to hold her but she is going to have to get over that and go back to being the good sleeping baby i got used to the first week :)
In time I'm sure we will work a schedule out. Other than that things are great and we are enjoying relaxing at home together although i cant wait to take her out and run errands but due to the h1n1 stuff the pediatrician has advised me that we should keep it inside till she is 6 weeks. Tomorrow is 2 weeks so 4 weeks to go then were hitting the mall :)
Well here is my post partum survey just cause I'm bored while Miss Addy naps.
How far along were you when you had your baby? 37 weeks 6 days
How long was labor? 6 1/2 hours... I was lucky!
Total weight gain: 15 lbs
Total weight loss since: 17 lbs... Again I am lucky!
Back into your own clothes yet? Yep
Did you get stretch marks? Only on the boobies...
Did you deliver vaginally or by c-section? Vaginally.
Best moment this week: Watching Addison sleep so peacefully on my chest even if it is the middle of the night!
What I miss about being pregnant: Feeling her moving inside me.
How big is baby: 6lb 5oz as of her Dr appointment last Thursday.
Baby's temperament? Content. She is really only fussy when she is hungry.
What I am looking forward to: Giving her a real bath :)
And now for a few pictures

Awww love the pics!
I'm happy to see you guys are adjusting well!!
She is too sweet. I can't wait to see her! I'm glad that ya'll are adjusting well.
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