Wednesday, December 21, 2011

33 weeks

Today is week 33 in this journey so I figured it was time for another update.

Yesterday we had our doctors appointment. Which I have to stop for a second and rave about how good Addy has been with all of this. She has joined me for most of my appointments (just her and I) and she has been fantastic. She sits quietly in the chair next to me and just listens and watches what the doctor does. Then she talks about it this whole way to work :) I love this girl she is going to be a great big sister and it is amazing how much she really gets!!

On to the doctor appointment its self. Not to exciting just the normal weight, bp, measurements and listen to the heart beat check up. Doctor said Aubrey is doing great and thanked me for being one of her easy patients again. Which I love to be cause that means the pregnancy is easy for me :) One concern (of mine not the Dr's) is that she is still breech or we think she is. So we will give her till 37 weeks to turn and if she doesn't we will schedule a c section. TURN AUBREY!! OK had to get that out :)

Now on to the survey...

How far along? 33weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +10 lbs

Maternity clothes? Pants and some shirts

Stretch marks? None

Sleep: Actually surprisingly great. I'm up less at night than I was with Addy which I think has something to do with her being breech and not pushing my bladder all night. I usually just get up once and that is it. Most nights I'm in bed by 9:30 and I sleep like a rock.

Best moment this week: Just spending time with Addison. I'm really cherishing these last few weeks of just us time!

Movement: Tons! She is so high though that it can be painful at times when she is in my ribs.

Food cravings: Still nothing. I have to make myself eat most of the time cause nothing sounds good.

Gender: Girl 100%

Labor Signs: None just a bunch of Braxton Hicks

Belly Button in or out? Flat now

What I miss: being able to breathe! She is all up in my lung space!

What I am looking forward to: Christmas this weekend! Now that Addy is getting older it is so much fun! Cant wait for her to see what Santa brought her!

Weekly Wisdom: I got nothing!

Milestones: Just making it this far :)

Here is my 32 week belly shot taken last week.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Belly shot

31w1d :)

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31w1d Appointment

Today we had our 31 week appointment and growth u/s.

So far Aubrey is weighing in at 3lbs 14oz (Addison was 4lb 3oz at this point) so were on track to have another small baby. Addison was 6lb 6oz at birth 2 weeks early. Then only down side right now is she is breech. She still have time to turn head down but if she doesn't by 37 weeks then were looking at a scheduled c section. I would love to say I'm OK with that and actually I tell people its fine but in all reality that sucks! I don't want to have a c section for may reasons and oddly enough not just cause I don't want a scar.

Reasons I don't want a section.

- I want to be able to hold my baby right away!
- I don't want to have an extra long stay at the hospital
- I want to be able to see Addison the first time she sees her sister
- I like the idea of her picking her own birthday so I don't want a scheduled date
- I just don't want to have surgery
- Recovery will suck with a toddler that I cant pick up :(

So there you have it I don't want one and I hope she turns and comes the natural weigh. I will take a 24 hour labor in exchange just to be able to hold her right when she is born!!

No good pictures at this appointment. She is just to squished to get any good profile shots.

On a good note :) I'm only up 8 lbs this pregnancy same as Addison! Hooray for my freak of nature body as my sisters would say!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Another Comparison

And just for fun here is another comparison picture of Addison and Aubrey both at 30 weeks :)

30 Weeks

Well its been a while since I have updated on Aubrey so here is our 30 week survey :)

How far along? 30 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +9 lbs

Maternity clothes? Pants and some shirts

Stretch marks? None

Sleep: Could be better. I have had a ton of heart burn and a toddler that refuses to sleep in her bed some nights!

Best moment this week: Watching Addy talk to my tummy and give her sister kisses.
Oh and finishing the nursery with the exception of one more picture I ordered from etsy :)

Movement: Yeppers! Loads of it. They have turned in to more rolls and stretches than kicks. Some quite painful!

Food cravings: Nothing that stands out really. Maybe fruit but i love that even when I'm not pregnant.

Gender: Girl 100%

Labor Signs: Actually had some contractions the other day after over doing it a bit at work, but they quickly went away when I laid down and relaxed. Braxton hicks have been kicking my but as well this time!

Belly Button in or out? In/Out half is starting to poke out a bit. Which is odd cause it never went out with Addison only flat.

What I miss: Bending over! haha! I cant even tie my shoe with out some discomfort.

What I am looking forward to: Our ultrasound next week. They thought because of her high on my stomach heart beat that she may be breech. (I doubt it! I think I def feel a butt pushing my ribs) So we will know that for sure as well as see how much she is est to weight. Only 2 more t week appointments and I'm down to weekly! EEEK time is flying!

Weekly Wisdom: Don't overdo it! What may have been easy with the first pregnancy is 10x harder on your body when your pregnant and have a toddler!

Milestones: 3/4 of the way done! Yippe!!

And what is a post with out a picture :) Here is my 30 week belly shot taken this morning.

Much love!