So far Aubrey is weighing in at 3lbs 14oz (Addison was 4lb 3oz at this point) so were on track to have another small baby. Addison was 6lb 6oz at birth 2 weeks early. Then only down side right now is she is breech. She still have time to turn head down but if she doesn't by 37 weeks then were looking at a scheduled c section. I would love to say I'm OK with that and actually I tell people its fine but in all reality that sucks! I don't want to have a c section for may reasons and oddly enough not just cause I don't want a scar.
Reasons I don't want a section.
- I want to be able to hold my baby right away!
- I don't want to have an extra long stay at the hospital
- I want to be able to see Addison the first time she sees her sister
- I like the idea of her picking her own birthday so I don't want a scheduled date
- I just don't want to have surgery
- Recovery will suck with a toddler that I cant pick up :(
So there you have it I don't want one and I hope she turns and comes the natural weigh. I will take a 24 hour labor in exchange just to be able to hold her right when she is born!!
No good pictures at this appointment. She is just to squished to get any good profile shots.
On a good note :) I'm only up 8 lbs this pregnancy same as Addison! Hooray for my freak of nature body as my sisters would say!
1 comment:
There is still plenty of time for the babe to turn. I'm sure she will ... fingers crossed!! The girls were both head down until 37 weeks, somehow one of them managed to maneuver and turn breech at the last minute. C-sections are NO FUN... I agree. Unfortunately it's what i have to do if I ever want more kids :-( --- I wish I had good things to say about it to make you feel better, but the only positive is that it's a safer way for your baby to come into the world if she is breech. After 2 weeks I felt wonderful, (comparatively to the initial post surgery) -- but it took a full 6 weeks for the incision site and tummy to heal. I found that anticipating the worst helped b/c it wound up not being as bad as I thought it would be.
PS you look amazing. It's so funny to see that you are almost the exact size bump as with Addison!
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