Here they are... (they were scanned so a little blurry)

So in my last post I wrote about giving Addison cereal and now I'm starting to be hesitant. Its so hard to fit it in the schedule at night, and she has to have it before her night time bottle or she wont take it. So if the daycare feeds her at 6:30 first then she will not eat it when we get home cause she is full from the bottle. Plus I'm so nervous because I didn't wait for Dr approval. I know she is my child and I can do what I feel is best but I'm just a nervous new mom.
Plus some nights she gobbles it up and others she just cries and spits it out. So i think I'm going to wait a week and then try it again. I feel that when she is truly 100% ready she will let me know by eating it better all the time. Well see its just a trial and error thing with this motherhood stuff! No reason to stress she is getting food and growing so all is well :)
1 comment:
they did a great job, these pictures are precious! And she is such a cutie. I'm glad Ethan has good friends to start playing with. Just wait until they start walking!
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