12.19.09 - Christmas with Matt's Mom
Our first Christmas stop was to Matt's moms house. Unfortunately I forgot to take out my camera and get some picture but that is mainly because Miss A slept through pretty much all of it but Matt and I still had a great time. Matt's mom first off is an amazing cook especially Mexican food. She learned how from Matt's grandma which i hear was an awesome cook as well. She made us all some enchilada's, rice, beans and her wonderful but HOT hot sauce. After eating my nephew Randy sang me some songs he made up and was just as cute as can be. Randy and his brother Johnathan just love Addison to death all they ever want to do is hold her. They even want to hold the bottle for me while I'm feeding her. I promise next family event with Matt's mom I will get some pictures of the boys loving on Addy.
After all of this we opened presents. Addison got some cute dolls and pajamas from her Mimi, pajamas from her Aunt Melinda, a mermaid doll from cousin Randy and a frog teething toy from cousin Johnathan.
12.24.09 - A white Christmas at Kaylyn & David's house
This Christmas event was very special it was the first time in a very long time that we had a white Christmas eve. It started snowing around 2:00 in the afternoon and by 5:00 when we headed to Kay's the roads were already a mess with wrecks everywhere, but luckily we took our time and made it over safely and on time :)
Normally we do Christmas eve at my Dad's but this year we had it at Kay's house. She cooked us some really good lasagna and made us a bunch of snackie foods. All I had to bring was a 2 liter of coke for Matt and I which made it really easy. Cooking with a 2 1/2 month old and getting ready for the holidays can be difficult. So i was very happy not to have to cook.
After eating we opened presents. Miss A scored big and got a glow worm, outfits, hair bows and an assortment of rattle toys :)
Once we were done with gifts all of us big kids went out side to play in the snow!! Kay's street has a big hill at the end and we all went sliding down it. Dad even came out with us and slid down. Boy were my hands cold and my pants were wet after the snow melted on me!!
Over all we had a great time!!

We spent Christmas morning just the 3 of us and our fur babies. Addison woke around 6:30 for a bottle and I was not ready to fully get up so after she finished her bottle we laid back down. Finally around 9:30 i went in her room and found Addy like this...

When she heard me in her room she woke up and just started smiling so i got her out of bed and took her to the living room to see what all she got!
Santa brought her a exersaucer, new paci's and a teething toy. She truly is still to small for the exersaucer but will grow in to it. We put her in there once a day and she really seems to like it despite being to short to touch the bottom and bounce.

Mommy and daddy got her the glowing seahorse which i absolutely LOVE. It glows and plays 8 min of bed time music. I can just put her in bed at night awake, turn on the seahorse, and by the time it is done playing she is asleep! Its wonderful.
After enjoying our morning we all got ready and headed to Matt's dads. I wont talk to much about this because it was not a good trip. Matt's brothers were not getting along and we will leave it at that :(

12.25.09 - Christmas Afternoon
We always do Christmas afternoon at my Aunt Sharon's. We had a great time over there and Addison made out with 2 more glow worms (which we exchanged for a Jenny Jump-up that she can use when she gets a tad bigger!!
12.26.09 - My mom's Christmas
This year was my year to host Christmas for my Mom and Meme. Mom and I did all the shopping for the food (Thanks Meme for funding the food expenses). Mom came over early and helped me with Addy and getting the food ready. This year we decided to just do snackie foods which turned out great! We all snacked and played games most of the afternoon.
Then we opened presents. Addy again slept through this so we saved her gifts for when she woke up. I think she was most spoiled at this Christmas. My mom went over board and got her loads of clothes and new toys. I really don't know where I'm going to store all these toys. For now they are on the closet floor till i can get another toy box or something similar.
Well if you read all of this more power to you! I know it was ALOT!! We had a great Christmas and cant wait to have many more!!!
Merry Christmas to ALL!
The Zaragoza's
1 comment:
It sounds like ya'll had a wonderful and busy first Christmas with Addy!!
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