Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 4/24/2011

Easter this year was extra special! It feel on my birthday :)

We had all the family over for fajitas and a kick butt Easter egg hunt. They girls were all so cute hunting eggs. They were bored with it after about 10 minutes but all the eggs did get picked up even though some of us mommas had to do it.

Here are some pictures that were taken. All by a variety of people. (Lauren, Tawny, Kay and Matt)

Addison wanted to eat the candy as she went

Taking a break to play

Two peas in a pod

Checking out the eggs


More snacking...

My sweet girl :)

I hope everyone had a great Easter. I know we sure did!!

1 comment:

The Wifey said...

Wow. after reading your last post and this one I cannot believe how big and grown up she is getting. It seems just like yesterday!! She is beautiful and has a contagious smile. Happy Easter :)