Last week I turned
Addison's bed in to a toddler bed. We want to get her used to that before putting her in a twin bed. So I went for it and set it up yesterday. She at first did not want to go to sleep and sat by the door for a long while. Finally I went in there and set with her in bed for a bit and talked to her about being a big girl and sleeping in her big girl bed. Told her I would hang out with her till she fell asleep and I did. Once she was asleep I got up and left the room. She slept the entire night in her bed and
didn't get up till I went in her room this morning to check on her.
She is turning in to such a big girl. It makes me sad and at the same time happy that she is growing up and becoming more
independent. She amazes me with her knowledge and wit everyday!
I love you Addison Lynn. You will always be my baby!

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