Weight - 24 lbs (10th percentile)
Height - 32 inches (25th percentile)
Dr Gold said she is doing great. Small for her age but then again she has never been big so that was of no concern. She didn't need any shots just the option of a flu shot but we never get them. Her or myself so we opted out. She doesn't have to come back for another year for a check up so we will make an appointment for that next year sometime.
Overall besides a little front office drama which I don't feel like going into it was a great visit. As always we love Dr Gold so all is well.
1 comment:
Aww, Addison is a tiny bean! Glad she is doing well and you like your doctor. :-)
I'm soooo scared about giving the girls shots. I think I will be a mess when that happens. There are so many immunizations that they give babies nowadays...
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