Now on to the survey!
How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +5 lbs (same as with Addy)
Maternity clothes? Pants and some shirts
Stretch marks? None
Sleep: Good. Really haven't had to pee much at night but as soon as I post this I will be up 3x tonight.
Best moment this week: Laying in bed feeling Aubrey rolling around
Movement: Oh yes! She has kicked it up a notch literally :)
Food cravings: Chocolate Milk and Honey Buns
Gender: Girl 100%
Labor Signs: Heck no
Belly Button in or out? In, but getting flatter
What I miss: Being able to pick Addy up with out my back giving out.
What I am looking forward to: The holidays! Oddly enough now that I have a kid I really do get excited for all the Fall holidays. This wasn't the case a few years ago pre kids.
Weekly Wisdom: Drink more water! This is more just a note to self than wisdom!
Milestones: A week away from being 6 full months along!
And what is a post with out a picture :) Here is my 22 week belly shot.

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