We are now 25 weeks along with Aubrey and its getting more and more real to me that we will have another little girl in just 3 short months! She is moving so much more now and it amazes me how she is already able to give me a good rib kick when I'm sitting down. She must not like being smushed cause when I bend forward she goes nuts.
She also must already love her big sister to the moon and back cause any time Addison is talking or touching my tummy she wiggles away in there. Addison isn't patient enough to fell her but definitely knows Aubrey is in there.
I have my glucose test in two weeks where I get to drink the nasty orange drink that makes me jittery and then have vial after vial of blood drawn. Should be fun!
Then after that I believe we will be already at 2 week appointments with the Dr and an ultrasound in a little over a month to chart her growth.
Just 2 more weeks till the third trimester! My how time really is flying with this one!! :)
More updates on Aubrey in a few weeks!
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