Tuesday, November 3, 2009

1 Month Old

Well first off let me just say I'm so excited to know that people actually do read this blog and I'm not just updating it for my health :) (HI DAD!)

OK now on to business... Our little pumpkin is 1 month old today! I cant believe how fast time is flying. I thought the pregnancy went fast but now that she is here is is moving even faster!! Before i know it we will be forking out thousands for a wedding :(

Here are some things that Miss A has started to do over the past month...

- Smiling some and not just gas smiles

- As of today she does not hate tummy time and will lay there content for at least 5-10 min. This is progress because the first couple times we tried it all she would do was cry :(

- She is staying awake for bigger chunks of time. Don't get me wrong she still likes a nice long nap or two a day but she is becoming more alert every day.

- Bath times are great! She loves getting a bath but hates being taken out of the water to be dried off. I think she would be content if i let her stay in the water till she shriveled up like a prune.

- She is eating 4 oz of formula every 3-4 hours like clock work!

- Making cute little sounds while playing or being talked to. (Check out the video at the bottom)

- Were still not sleeping through the night but since she is only 4 weeks i know there is still more time to work on this.

Overall we have had a great month and were ready for many more with lots of milestones to go

And just cause i know all anyone really wants to see when they come to a blog is the pictures. So here you go :)

1 comment:

Brittany Nelson said...

I talked to Addy and she said she would HATE to be pruney! So even though she hates being taken out of the tub she would hate it MUCH more if she had shriveled pruney hands...Ok so maybe it's just me that hates it, I tried Addison :)