Thursday, February 19, 2009

count down to my dr appt...

Well im starting to get antsy! I go to the dr in 6 days!! (Feb 25th) and im so excited and nervous. Im sure all will go perfect but there is always that what if in the back of your brain.

So far things are trucking right along smoothly. Im 5w5d today and i still have not had too many symptoms, besides wanting to sleep all day if someone would let me : )

Sorry to cut this short but i just dont have much to update to the whole 1 person who reads my blog!!


1 comment:

Typette said...

heeeeey -- lol at least you got a whole one person reading your blog ;-)

Good luck at your appt, I'm sure everything is going to go great. Just think positive thoughts, negative ones never help -- easier said than done, I know.

Keep 'us' posted!!