Monday, February 9, 2009


Well its official all of the parents know now : ) I couldnt keep it from them. I know everyone says to wait till your trough with your first trimester and past any fear of misscarriage, but the way i see it is if somethine were to happen now i have a big support group to lean on. BUT were not going to think negative all will go smoothly!!

So far i have been feeling great. I get hungry alot more and i go to bed earlier than normal but other than that no real symptoms : ) Hopefully i will be one of the lucky ones!!


1 comment:

Mrs. MooMoo said...

YAY!! I could never hide a pregnancy from my parents, especially now with having gone through a m/c . I think telling them, they will understand that since I've been through some bad times they will be a greater support system for me. I think everyone needs a big support system!! So good for you for letting them know. 3 months seems like forever, so holding it in would be so hard!!! I'm glad you aren't feeling the crazy symptoms yet.. LOL