Wednesday, March 16, 2011


For those of you who read my blog a little bit ago I apologise for my rude remarks. Not to who they were aimed towards but for saying them at all. I don't want this to be my lash out source. This blog is meant to be my journal for life, my daughter, and family. Yes it may not always be peachy but I don't want it to be my mean side.

I hope things start looking up but a lot is going on so far in 2011. Hopefully things look up.

I also kindly ask if you are reading this and using info I give you on my or my family's life to be spiteful please don't. I don't keep up with you if were not friends so please don't keep up with me. My life really is none of your business anymore.

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

1 comment:

ktyree said...

WTF?!? What's wrong with people nowadays? You should make your profile private and only give out a password to those of us that you want to read it! Just an idea...